
He’s Got Your Six

Healing Through Biblical Principles


This site provides tools God gave us to help us heal and be content. It will take your commitment and dedication to get yourself on that narrow path, and once you do, it is worth the time and effort that you put in.


Soldiers train to know their enemies; their strengths, weaknesses and tactics so they can defeat them in battle. They train for all possible scenarios. It is not only soldiers that train. We train to exceed in our careers or we train to be good at a sport, all requiring hard work and dedication.


Unfortunately, most people never train or prepare for the battle against their Spiritual Enemy. To experience true healing, we believe you first have to prepare yourself with the tools (The Armor) God gave us and know the warnings, along with the promises He shared with us through the written Word (The Bible).


There is a spiritual battle going on for our soul, the bible is very clear about this. There is Good and Evil. Our spiritual readiness will determine how and where we spend eternity! What is more important than where we spend eternity?