
Our Founder

Meet Our Founder/President

Deb Doherty

Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage

Our military learned this from “day one” in boot camp. But what happens when their time is up, and they come home? What appreciation and support do they get?


Veterans have dedicated a significant part of their lives to serving their country, often at great personal sacrifice. Recognition and appreciation from the community can play a crucial role in their reintegration into civilian life.


Bridging the gap that veterans face with services that they are entitled to is imperative. Our veterans deserve the benefits that they were advised of at enlistment with absolutely no challenges.


My desire to help, and to accomplish what I can for our veterans is personal to me. For this reason, I started DDS4Vets, a 501 (C) (3) Non-Profit organization who reaches out to veterans in bridging that gap.


DDS4Vets Executive Board of Directors consists of professionals who have served in the military, who offer professional services, advisement, and respect.


DDS4Vets is honored to partner with, and have support from Wounded Warrior Relief, PGA Golf/HOPE, Charlie22Outdoors, Operation 300, Warriors Choice Foundation, and Orthotech Prosthetics & Orthotics.